Member Stories
Member Story: “Their dog bit my child, then they reported us to CPS.”
At times, relationships with neighbors can be complicated. Relationships with the neighbors’ pet can sometimes be even more so, like it was for Amanda Fairfield.*
Member Story: Church children’s ministry calls CPS on parents
One bright Friday morning, Courtney Caddo* took her two daughters, two-year-old Mia and five-year-old Ella, to a park day with lots of other parents and
Member Story: Hasty reporting leads to visits by CPS and police
This member story was originally published by Heritage Defense in 2018. Mrs. Aaron* was at home with her children one afternoon when she heard a
Member Story: Abortion activists used CPS to attack my family.
When Christopher and Ashley Bachman* began pleading for the lives of preborn children at abortion clinics and publicly around town, they understood the costs. The
Member Story: Two months after giving birth, CPS was investigating me for child abuse.
This member story was originally published by Heritage Defense in 2018. The Halberts had been so vigilant about caring for their newborn baby boy, Jacob.*
Member Story: Innocent accident? Mandated report.
It had been a normal day so far for the Wheeler* family, Ashley was cleaning in the kitchen while 4-year-old Rachel played in the living