Member Story: I got a call from CPS after tension with relatives.
The following account was written by a Heritage Defense member family we assisted.
Thank you for your help with our recent case. Our story began with a phone call from CPS, who cordially explained that they had received an anonymous tipoff with several allegations.
Though the caller was unknown to us, we had signed up for Heritage Defense some time prior, in part due to tension with relatives across broader situations.
Following the call with the CPS agent who requested we schedule a time to meet, I called Heritage Defense at the non-emergency line and soon had a meeting scheduled with a lawyer in our state.
We worked with credentialed friends and relatives to write letters documenting how we seek to raise our children to serve the Lord and prioritize their safety, well-being, education, and training with utmost priority.
Our Heritage Defense lawyer warmly supported our efforts and made himself available for questions and help throughout the hurried process before compiling them with photo documentation to respond to the allegations.
CPS continued to request a meeting after the documentation was submitted, at which point our lawyer spoke with the local deputy prosecutor about the next steps and then advised we decline to meet with CPS.
We received a letter closing the case within several days, dated a day or so after we declined the final meeting.
We are very grateful to the Lord for answered prayers, a cordial CPS agent, and the help that Heritage provided along the way. The CPS agent we dealt with seemed more reasonable than I anticipated given the many other stories of those who have fared worse, but nonetheless, this event led to much prayer and we were greatly thankful for Heritage’s support through the event.
Though we pray for no future such events, we plan to remain Heritage members for years to come, given the excellent counsel and moral support of having an intermediary to assist in communications with the county government. We encourage other families to join Heritage Defense, as trying to raise children with a Biblical perspective runs counter to culture. Heritage Defense has been a valuable tool for us in utilizing the blessed freedoms we have in this country to question government overreach.
If you are a member of Heritage Defense, we hope it is an encouragement for you to know that your membership is going to help families like this. While we cannot guarantee outcomes, if your family is ever falsely accused of child abuse or neglect, we are ready to fight to defend you and your rights.
If you are not yet a member, please join today to have 24/7 access to experienced attorneys ready to defend your family.