Member Story: I questioned a nurse. Then CPS showed up.

Robert and Kimberly Tyler* were in the hospital with their 11-yr-old daughter Sophia. Sophia was battling a potentially fatal inflammation of the heart’s valves and lining. She would have to undergo open-heart surgery.
As the hospital was preparing Sophia for surgery, a nurse came into the hospital room and told Robert and Kimberly that she was going to do a blood transfusion. They asked the nurse if she was sure that a blood transfusion was necessary, and she said it was needed before the surgery. The Tylers immediately gave their permission, but the nurse was already triggered.
Merely questioning a procedure led the nurse to report the Tylers to child protective services (“CPS”). Robert and Kimberly had not refused the transfusion or even said they did not want to do it: they had simply asked a question.
Because they were members of Heritage Defense, the Tylers knew exactly what to do when CPS contacted them at the hospital–they called the 24/7 Heritage Defense line. According to the CPS investigator, the allegations stated that Robert and Kimberly were refusing care for Sophia. They told the Heritage Defense attorney that they had never refused care and had documentation to prove it. The Heritage Defense attorney told them to give CPS his number so he could take care of the case from there.
The Tylers gave CPS their Heritage Defense attorney’s name and number so they could contact him. However, the CPS investigator misspelled the attorney’s name and also wrote down the wrong phone number. So when CPS tried to call the attorney, she got no response, then accused the family of providing her with false information. As soon as the Tylers told their attorney what CPS had accused them of, he immediately got in touch with the attorney for CPS who then apologized and admitted they had made a mistake.
The Tylers’ Heritage Defense attorney was with them every step of the way. In the end, CPS labeled the allegations unfounded and closed the case. Sophia is recovering well from her successful heart surgery.
After their case was closed, Mrs. Tyler wrote this testimonial:
Wow! We are still in awe of God’s Hand on our situation. Y’all are His Hands and Feet at work, and we pray for continued blessing on you, your families, your members, and your cases.
If you are a member of Heritage Defense, we hope it is an encouragement for you to know that your membership is going to help families like the Tylers. While we cannot guarantee outcomes, if your family is ever falsely accused of child abuse or neglect, we are ready to fight to defend you and your rights.
If you are not yet a member, please join today to have 24/7 access to experienced attorneys ready to defend your family.
*Names changed for privacy