Member Story: Our local urgent care reported us to CPS

Matt and Kristi Murvaul were upset. The nurse practitioner (NP) at their local urgent care said that as a mandatory reporter she was filing a report with CPS about their 12-year-old daughter, Chloe.
The Murvauls had taken Chloe there after she had been complaining about redness and irritation in her pubic region.
As soon as the Murvauls left the urgent care, they immediately took Chloe to an ER to get another opinion.
At the ER, a physician’s assistant (PA) examined Chloe. The PA said she did not see any signs of abuse. Instead, she said it looked like a simple dermatology and UTI issue.
Matt and Kristi asked the PA if she could call the urgent care nurse practitioner and explain that she did not find any signs of abuse. The PA said she would.
Matt and Kristi, shaken by all that had transpired in the last few hours, climbed into their car to drive home. Kristi remembered that they were members of Heritage Defense and asked Matt if she should call them. Matt said that was a good idea.
Kristi dialed the Heritage Defense 24/7 emergency line and was quickly connected with an attorney.
The Heritage Defense attorney told Matt and Kristi that it might be a good idea to call the urgent care center themselves, speak with the director, and relay to them what the ER had said.
A few days later, Matt and Kristi told the Heritage Defense attorney that they had talked with the urgent care, gone back for a follow-up with one of the physicians there, and that the physician had seen Chloe and confirmed he also saw no signs of abuse. The physician said he would make sure they amended the erroneous CPS report made by their nurse practitioner.
Matt thanked Heritage Defense: “You guys were super helpful and reassuring…. It’s comforting to have somebody who can be there for us if we need it.”
If you are a member of Heritage Defense, we hope it is an encouragement for you to know that your membership is going to help families like the Murvauls. While we cannot guarantee outcomes, if your family is ever falsely accused of child abuse or neglect, we are ready to fight to defend you and your rights.
If you are not yet a member, please join today to have 24/7 access to experienced attorneys ready to defend your family.
*Names changed for privacy