Member Story: We were reported while remodeling

The unexpected knock at the door of the Striker* family home came at an already challenging time. With five children to homeschool and extensive home renovations underway, Joseph and Lisa Striker were managing multiple responsibilities. Neither of them anticipated that the woman on their doorstep would be a Child Protective Services investigator.
When Joseph opened the door, the investigator introduced herself and stated she was there to investigate a report made against their family. Upon hearing this, Joseph felt his throat tighten with stress. When he inquired about the nature of the allegations, she informed him they concerned inadequate living conditions.
Maintaining his composure, Joseph informed the investigator that he would prefer to involve his attorney and requested to reschedule the visit. The investigator agreed without hesitation and provided her contact card for the attorney.
As soon as the investigator departed, Joseph contacted the Heritage Defense 24/7 emergency hotline and was connected with an attorney. During their conversation, Joseph explained that while construction materials and tools were visible in the front yard due to ongoing renovations, the house remained fully habitable and safe for children.
Suspecting a neighbor might have filed the report, Joseph shared his concerns with the attorney. The Heritage Defense attorney advised them to organize the construction area as much as possible. When Joseph expressed worry about CPS returning with a warrant, the attorney reassured him that such action seemed unlikely given the investigator’s agreeable departure.
Heritage Defense proceeded to connect the Strikers with a local attorney, paid for by Heritage Defense, who then communicated with CPS. The agency requested a home visit that would include private interviews of the children and a detailed home inspection. However, the local attorney negotiated terms that limited the visit to an in-home interview with the parents only.
Although the investigator appeared displeased with these restrictions, she accepted them. The following day, she conducted the interview at the Strikers’ home with their attorney present. Throughout the conversation, the attorney provided guidance by redirecting questions that strayed from the scope of the investigation.
The meeting concluded positively, with the investigator announcing she would close the case without further action. Joseph and Lisa were relieved by the swift resolution.
“It was the best possible outcome. Our local attorney was great. We really appreciated him. He was very reassuring. He promised to handhold us along the way if we needed anything. He laid everything out clearly. It was very helpful. We appreciate you guys.”
If you are a member of Heritage Defense, we hope it is an encouragement for you to know that your membership is going to help families like the Strikers. While we cannot guarantee outcomes, if your family is ever falsely accused of child abuse or neglect, we are ready to fight to defend you and your rights.
If you are not yet a member, please join today to have 24/7 access to experienced attorneys ready to defend your family.
*Names changed for privacy