Every state has a law about children’s car seats, but do you know what the law is in your state? Should your child’s car seat be rear-facing or forward-facing? Should your child be in an infant car seat, a convertible car seat, or a booster seat? Do you know what age, weight, or height limits […]
Tag: children
A Study on the Impact of Removing a Child from the Home
When a child is removed from the home, regardless of how long they have been away from their family, research demonstrates that the effects are detrimental and permanent. The removal process traumatizes both children and parents, forever changing their lives. This article1 published by the University of Michigan Law School explains that all too often, children […]
CPS Agrees to Pay $127k Sanction for Wrongful Removal of Children
After 5-month-old Mason Bright fell out of a chair and injured his head, his mother rushed him to the hospital. After the hospital discovered multiple skull fractures, they suspected child abuse and reported his parents to CPS. Blood tests later determined that Mason likely had a blood clotting disorder which would cause excessive bleeding. In […]
SWAT Enters Home After Parents Disagree with Doctor Over Treatment
After Sarah took her son to the hospital with a high fever, the doctor told them to go to the ER. After the doctor learned that Sarah had not immediately gone to the ER (because her son’s fever was going down), he called CPS. That evening, SWAT kicked in their door and removed the children. […]
Father Arrested After Daughter Tells Teacher He Spanked Her
After a California lawmaker’s young daughter told her teacher that her father had spanked her, he was arrested for child cruelty and CPS took away his three children. One evening, California state assemblyman Joaquin Arambula spanked his seven-year-old daughter after she misbehaved. She went to school the next morning and told her teacher that her […]
Police and CPS Investigate Family After CT Scan Is Misread
All too often, innocent parents find themselves facing a CPS investigation. Once someone reports a family to social services, it can be very difficult to get out of the investigation unscathed. When Jacob Weidner was about five weeks old, he began vomiting intensely. His mother took him to the emergency room. After a CT head […]
Medical Staff Use CPS Threat to Force Women’s Compliance During Labor
In 2010, after Michelle Mitchell’s physician recommended she have a cesarean section, her doctor threatened to call CPS if she did not consent to it.
Judge Orders CPS to Have No Contact with Children They Took from Family
After Michael and Melissa Bright’s infant son fell and hurt his head, they took him to a hospital. The hospital reported the Brights to CPS, which then took both of their children by emergency removal.
37% of Children Investigated by CPS by Age 18
How likely is it that CPS will investigate your family? Over 37% of children will experience a child protective services (CPS) investigation by the time they turn 18, according to the American Public Health Association (APHA). In other words, the study shows that more than one in every three children will be the subject of a CPS investigation. […]
Can Your Child Be Home Alone?
Can your child be legally left at home without a babysitter or other supervision? Well, that depends.