Tag: dad

Homeschool Mom Falsely Accused of Murder and Sentenced to Life in Prison

Hannah Overton was a homeschool mom of five from Texas. She and her husband were in the process of adopting Andrew, a 4-year-old boy they were fostering. Little did they know that their lives were about to be forever changed. In October 2016, after Andrew began to show symptoms of a stomach bug and then […]

Father Arrested After Daughter Tells Teacher He Spanked Her

After a California lawmaker’s young daughter told her teacher that her father had spanked her, he was arrested for child cruelty and CPS took away his three children. One evening, California state assemblyman Joaquin Arambula spanked his seven-year-old daughter after she misbehaved. She went to school the next morning and told her teacher that her […]

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Please re-word. A poet-laureate I am not.


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