When their biological children had grown up and moved out of the home, Michael and Lisa Proctor* felt a call to rescue older foster children through adoption. They ended up adopting six older children out of CPS foster care, including a 7-year-old girl, Abigail, who had been labeled “unadoptable” by CPS because of her behavioral […]
Tag: Member Case
Member Story: Family defies doctors’ orders?
Hospital staff thought the Noconas were not following doctors orders and immediately reported them to CPS.
Member Story: Neighbors climb fence to video family’s children
The Mackenzie* family suspected there was criminal activity going on at their neighbor’s house. When the Mackenzies saw those neighbors climbing the Mackenzies’ fence to video the Mackenzies’ children, they felt they had to call the police. After the police visited the neighbors and gave them a warning, the neighbors retaliated by falsely reporting the […]
Member Story: Hospital Calls CPS After Parents Advocate for Daughter
Samantha Cooper* suffered from an extremely difficult condition for which medication had proven to be incapable of preventing flare-ups. As a result, this meant that Samantha and her parents, Richard and Lisa, had become regulars at the local children’s hospital. Samantha’s day-to-day healthcare was guided by protocols established and refined over time by her specialists. […]
Member Story: Sudden Infant Death Prompts CPS Investigation
Three-month-old Ethan had been in perfect health. He was breastfed, was on his growth curve, and had never been sick. The family did not have any history of SIDS.
Member Story: Family Reported to CPS After Baby’s Weight Dips Below Growth Curve
Though the Halberts’ newborn baby boy was otherwise doing great, someone called CPS on them after his weight temporarily dipped below his projected growth curve.
Member Story: A Story of Adventure for Two Girls Becomes a Nightmare for the Whole Family
Mrs. Henry was running some errands that morning while Mr. Henry had taken the day off to spend it with their five children.* As Mr. Henry was making breakfast, their eleven- and eight-year-old daughters, Regina and Sarah, were supposed to be outside doing their chores. Instead, they had run away…