When vindictive neighbors filed a false report with Child Protective Services, Steven and Rebecca Timpson found themselves facing an invasive investigation. They turned to Heritage Defense to protect their parental rights during the stressful ordeal. Steven and Rebecca Timpson had been experiencing significant problems with their neighbors for quite some time. The disagreements began several […]
Tag: social-services
Member Story: We were reported while remodeling
The unexpected knock at the door of the Striker* family home came at an already challenging time. With five children to homeschool and extensive home renovations underway, Joseph and Lisa Striker were managing multiple responsibilities. Neither of them anticipated that the woman on their doorstep would be a Child Protective Services investigator. When Joseph opened […]
Member Story: Our daughter nearly drowned
A relaxing Independence Day by the pool turned into a nightmare for the Stamford family when their two-year-old daughter Ava nearly drowned. Although Ava was saved by her mother’s quick thinking, the family’s ordeal was still not over. It had been a typical July 4th for the Stamford family.* Amelia Stamford was reading a book […]
Member Story: The doctor spoke alone with our autistic daughter
Megan Richland was tense as she left the doctor’s office after her daughter Natalie’s regular check-up. Natalie is 16 and autistic with other special needs. The doctor’s visit had not gone well. During the check-up, the doctor had asked Megan to step out while the doctor spoke with Natalie alone. Megan thought it was odd […]
Member Story: Someone saw our kids playing outside
Knock, knock, knock. That was the first sign of trouble for the Scott and Linda Purtis* family on what seemed to be a normal Thursday sunny afternoon. Scott answered the door expecting to see one of his neighbors or perhaps one of his friends at the door. Instead, a stranger was standing on the front […]
Member Story: Trans son judo fights dad
Justin and Kimberly Cleburn* were facing a very difficult time in their family. Their fifteen-year-old son Logan had just told them that he was transgender and would start identifying as a girl. Justin and Kimberly told Logan that they loved him and would care for him. They made it very clear to their son, however, […]
Member Story: CPS texted me
Lexi Moss’s* phone buzzed on the counter. She glanced at the screen. It was a text message from an unknown number. Lexi opened the message and was shocked at what she read. The message was from child protective services, and it stated that CPS had received a report about issues concerning their family. Lexi stood […]
Member Story: Our local urgent care reported us to CPS
Matt and Kristi Murvaul were upset. The nurse practitioner (NP) at their local urgent care said that as a mandatory reporter she was filing a report with CPS about their 12-year-old daughter, Chloe. The Murvauls had taken Chloe there after she had been complaining about redness and irritation in her pubic region. As soon as […]
Member Story: I got a call from CPS after tension with relatives.
The following account was written by a Heritage Defense member family we assisted. Thank you for your help with our recent case. Our story began with a phone call from CPS, who cordially explained that they had received an anonymous tipoff with several allegations. Though the caller was unknown to us, we had signed up […]
Member Story: Our church secretary reported us.
To Angela Lyndon*, that Thursday afternoon seemed no different from most others. She was out running a quick errand while her three children, Logan (15), Noah (14), and Mia (5), were home doing schoolwork. Everything seemed to be perfectly normal to Angela until her phone rang. She did not recognize the caller ID and, upon […]